Mon 27 Jan
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Enjoy 100%COMPLETE service & SATISFACTION for new years eve with sexy TINA 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
snow white makes wishes come true. complete satisfaction. $80~100hr 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
SnOw WhItE ~~~ 100% guaranteed COMPLETE satisfaction and service~~ 80~100 full hr call 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
$80_100 sexy Anna ** prostate play **toy shows ** exc.. i do what u like *anna 315_395_0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
$80_100 sexy Anna ** prostate play **toy shows ** exc.. i do what u like *anna 315_395_0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy anna will rub you " oh so right, just how you like " 80hh, 100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
SnOw WhItE ~ 100% guaranteed COMPLETE satisfaction and service ~ $80~$100 full hr call 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
100% COMPLETE service.. EXCELLENT service for a EXCELLENT rate. $80~100 full hour TINA 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
100% complete satisfaction, Excellent service for a Excellent rate $80~100full hr, tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
100% complete service. Great girl, Great rate, Great service, come enjoy Tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
snow white makes wishes come true. complete satisfaction. $80~100hr 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
merry Christmas **, have me as your gift.. $80~100 COMPLETE SERVICE with snow white **315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sun 12 Jan
SnOw WhItE ~ 100% guaranteed COMPLETE satisfaction and service ~ $80~$100 full hr call 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
100% complete satisfaction, Excellent service for a Excellent rate $80~100full hr, tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
100% complete service. Great girl, Great rate, Great service, come enjoy Tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sat 11 Jan
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
EXCELLENT COMPLETE service & satisfaction, for a EXCELLENT RATE $80~100full hr.. Tina, 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
ho ho ho santas special girl does it all. come get your gift boys. 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy nikki is waiting to please you, body to body. i do what you want. nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr YUMMY 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Fri 10 Jan
wishes come true with snow white COMPLETE SATISFACTION & SERVICE $80~100hr SNOW WHITE 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Great girl, Excellent service, Excellent rate $80~100 full hr. COMPLETE SERVICE TINA, 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
EXCELLENT service for a EXCELLENT rate, $80~100 full hr, COMPLETE SERVICE here. tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr YUMMY 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sexy Anna, a real escort, toys, strap, exc. what u like, EXCELLENT SERVICE $80~100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Great girl, Excellent service, Excellent rate $80~100 full hr. COMPLETE SERVICE TINA, 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
Thu 09 Jan
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
this sexy kinky girl does what u want. yummy. $80hh 100hr sexy Anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Enjoy 100%COMPLETE service & SATISFACTION for new years eve with sexy TINA 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
merry Christmas **, have me as your gift.. $80~100 COMPLETE SERVICE with snow white **315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Wed 08 Jan
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
gentlemen come do Mrs Santa for Christmas.. nughty sexy and blonde $80~$100hr Mrs Santa 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Nikki, spoil yourself with this hottie. (i do what you like) $80hh, $100hr, 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
100% COMPLETE service.. EXCELLENT service for a EXCELLENT rate. $80~100 full hour TINA 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, im all you want. 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sexy Anna, a real escort.. toys, strap, all you want, EXCELLENT SERVICE $80~100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Tue 07 Jan
ho ho ho.. you do me and i do you.. santas girl does it all. enjoy me 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Mrs Santa.. this is how i come to the door and i gift you it all. come enjoy me. 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
SnOw WhItE ~~~ 100% guaranteed COMPLETE satisfaction and service~~ 80~100 full hr call 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Mon 06 Jan
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
EXCELLENT service for a EXCELLENT rate, $80~100 full hr, COMPLETE SERVICE here. tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
gentlemen come do Mrs Santa for Christmas.. nughty sexy and blonde $80~$100hr Mrs Santa 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
EXCELLENT COMPLETE service & satisfaction, for a EXCELLENT RATE $80~100full hr.. Tina, 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sun 05 Jan
sexy nikki is waiting to please you, body to body. i do what you want. nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, im all you want. 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
$80_100 sexy Anna ** prostate play **toy shows ** exc.. i do what u like *anna 315_395_0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
$80_100 sexy Anna ** prostate play **toy shows ** exc.. i do what u like *anna 315_395_0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
ho ho ho santas special girl does it all. come get your gift boys. 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sat 04 Jan
Mrs Santa.. this is how i come to the door and i gift you it all. come enjoy me. 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr YUMMY 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
sexy anna will rub you " oh so right, just how you like " 80hh, 100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
** Toy shows ** Strap ** Prostate play ** ULTIMATE PLEASURE HERE. I DO WHAT THEY DON'T. 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Fri 03 Jan
sexy anna " i do what they dont " come enjoy a real escort.. $80hh, 100hr YUMMY 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Nikki, spoil yourself with this hottie. (i do what you like) $80hh, $100hr, 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
ho ho ho.. you do me and i do you.. santas girl does it all. enjoy me 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
wishes come true with snow white COMPLETE SATISFACTION & SERVICE $80~100hr SNOW WHITE 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
this sexy kinky girl does what u want. yummy. $80hh 100hr sexy Anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Sexy Anna, a real escort.. toys, strap, all you want, EXCELLENT SERVICE $80~100hr 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
Thu 02 Jan